Project Description

Yogurt manufacturing lines adapted to any need, with the possibility of implementing ultrafiltration equipment to improve performance and flexibility on the product range.
Preparation of Greek type creamy yogurts with concentration by ultrafiltration before and after the fermentation process to obtain suitable draining of the whey which avoids the need to add any additives or solids in powder form, preserving product quality.
We offer compact lines for minor productions or complete lines for industrial productions of any capacity.
- Pasteurisers for any flow and designed for high efficacy in terms of heat transmission and energy recovery. The necessary sections may be incorporated according to the application, allowing skimmers and standardisation equipment and homogenisers to be inserted.
- Homogenizers with sanitary design for all kinds of homogenisation pressures. Available with different degrees of automation, for fixed, variable or dual flow, with pulse compensators, pressure transducers with digital reading of pressure and automatic disconnection systems.
- Milk reconstitution systems and mixing systems for carrying out efficient reconstitution from powdered milk, as well as the homogeneous addition of products to the milk.
- Lactofermenters providing heat/cold with a hygienic design in accordance with national or international standards, with the possibility of incorporating different types of stirrers according to requirements to optimise product homogeneousness. Possibility of integrating different types of instrumentation and checks in line with the degree of information it is wished to collect, ensuring the perfect cleaning thereof at all times.
- Coagulation probes. We afford the possibility of incorporating probes capable of accurately determining the coagulation curve, allowing the precise control of each process.
- Packaging systems of abroad range, both in terms of capacity and format. This equipment is characterised by:
- High flexibility.
- High dosing precision, automatic volumetric adjustment.
- Construction from high-quality materials which are safe and easy to handle.
- Sanitary design which ensures the maximum quality and hygiene standards (laminar flow booths, UV radiation, chemical sterilisation etc.).
- All our machines are prepared for integration into the C.I.P./S.I.P. cleaning system.
- Concentration by ultrafiltration. This allow the concentration of all the fat and y protein present in milk up to the desired ratio. It avoids the need for any additions to the milk to increase the dry extract. Through ultrafiltration the final value desired is achieved without any additions of products and this allows the preparation of other products thanks to being able to achieve different concentration factors.